Return Pol
Brilliant Cut Gold & Diamond Jewellery
Return Policy :-Always check for the website or seller's return or buyback policy while buying gold online or
Return Policy :- Always check for the website or seller's return or buyback policy while buying gold online or from showrooms. These days most big gold chains have their online stores and they offer both returns and exchange. However, the exchange policy of gold has stricter terms and conditions as compared to Brilliant Cut. So, it is important to go through the terms and conditions carefully before making your purchase decision. See what is the price that your preferred showroom is promising to buy your jewellery at if you plan to sell it say a few years later for a more contemporary design. For example :- Brilliant cut buys old jewellery bought from anywhere in the world at current market rate without any deductions. But, the seller has to show his I’d proof or purchase bill at the time of sale.
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